Child of God
The child

Name: Ivan Lim Wei
Age: 22
School: NTU (Aug '10)
Birthday: 180888
About you: A blessed kid


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Last day in NTU
report from babina camp, india
away from home..
a wrong turn
hh yes.. for us REGULAR NSF.. CNY is only a mere 3...
Blessed CNY!
252th mth Birthday Celebration...
my new unit..
it is her


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Designer: Elies
Base code:OHsaygoodbye

Monday, January 07, 2008

( My Grandma @ 10:03 PM )


Since thur, she has been complaining that she doesn't feel well in her left upper part of her body. Sat evening, my uncle brought her to the doc (24hr) for check up. Said it was stress, need more rest. every nite, i'll always be worry that something will happen to her. the more i think abt it, the more tears flow. "God please protect her!" was my cry to God.

On sunday morning, I went breakfast with her together with my parents and aunt @ Bukit Timah. After breakfast, my aunt and her waited near the food court while my parents and I went to shop for awhile. Received a call from my aunt saying my grandma can't take it le. We rushed back to her. "Feeling breathless and sudden black out" was what she told us. We rushed her to NUH emergency.

Gosh I was worried den. "God please!" was all i could say to Him continuously. "10 more years". with all effort, i tried to fight back my tears from flowing out. the look on her face really hurt my heart. the struggle. the pain. the discomfort. @ NUH, we quickly pushed her in for registration, thank God only took 10min before the doc check her out. waited for 30mins plus before the doc came out and told us she had a heart attack. mild one i guess. gotta be admitted to CCU - Heart ICU. for of her blood artery was blocked. and needa insert some stuff to balloon it bigger. she had a heart by-pass 10yrs ago.

we waited for 2hrs before she was wheeled into the CCU, after the small op. manged to peep at her and say we'll be back as the nurse told us to come in later after doing some more tests on her. her smile. so sweet. gosh. Jesus. she's fine. thank you.

the bible verse that i read on sundae morning, before the incident

Psalm 6:9
" The Lord has heard my plea; the Lord will answer my prayer."


Thursday, January 03, 2008

( woot.! @ 1:34 PM )

it's a new year! Happy New Year to all! And I spent my last day of 2007 counting down @ my Church! It's was just great! Great time. Great family. Great friends. Great God! Great year! A year of Sabbath, aka, a year of resting in God and know he provides! =)

Alrite, wanna talk abt my Christmas! On the eve, our cell and some other cell had a combined cell Christmas celebration @ tct. Invited our friends over, and i invited weiyan. there was games, activities, songs and mini skit on how Jesus was born! Mr koh shared the CHristmas message and many were moved, including weiyan! thank God, and i know He has done something, planting seeds in them! =)

on the actual day, had a mini lunch feast @ home with my family. gosh, my grandma cooked lots of food la! i really guessed last time she feed pig one loh! haha! after that, we over to adeline hse for dinner. her mum invited us all over. great family! great food! and we took some crazy pic in her room, and my fav is as below!



oh ya.. seriously.. i think adeline's is pretty! haha.. seen her growing up strong in the Lord and become more pretty le! haha!


this pic was take when we went to ps adrain wedding, u shld look at her dress. gosh. power! =) Thank God for her!